1. 环境说明
名称 | 规格 | 备注 |
内存VRAM | 22GB | 22G不够用,需要更大的内存,如果没有的话可以用swap内存代替 |
显卡 | 3090 | NVIDIA |
显存 | 24GB | |
CUDA | 12.5 | CUDA >= 11.7 否则会失败 |
2. 模型下载
使用 hfs.sh脚本下载模型
./hfd.sh Wan-AI/Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B --tool aria2c -x 10 --hf_token xxxxxxx --hf_username xxxxxxx
3. 克隆仓库
git clone git@github.com:Wan-Video/Wan2.1.git
4. 安装依赖
Note: CUDA >= 11.7 torch >= 2.4.0
cd Wan2.1
pip install -r requirements.txt
5. 生成视频
5.1. 使用generate脚本生成
Note: 一定要配置 –offload_model True –t5_cpu 否则GPU内存不够会在保存视频时OOM
python generate.py --task t2v-1.3B --size 832*480 --ckpt_dir ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B --offload_model True --t5_cpu --sample_shift 8 --sample_guide_scale 6 --prompt "Two anthropomorphic cats in comfy boxing gear and bright gloves fight intensely on a spotlighted stage."
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,062] INFO: Generation job args: Namespace(task='t2v-1.3B', size='832*480', frame_num=81, ckpt_dir='./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B', offload_model=True, ulysses_size=1, ring_size=1, t5_fsdp=False, t5_cpu=True, dit_fsdp=False, save_file=None, prompt='Two anthropomorphic cats in comfy boxing gear and bright gloves fight intensely on a spotlighted stage.', use_prompt_extend=False, prompt_extend_method='local_qwen', prompt_extend_model=None, prompt_extend_target_lang='ch', base_seed=6930324173022001627, image=None, sample_solver='unipc', sample_steps=50, sample_shift=8.0, sample_guide_scale=6.0)
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,063] INFO: Generation model config: {'__name__': 'Config: Wan T2V 1.3B', 't5_model': 'umt5_xxl', 't5_dtype': torch.bfloat16, 'text_len': 512, 'param_dtype': torch.bfloat16, 'num_train_timesteps': 1000, 'sample_fps': 16, 'sample_neg_prompt': '色调艳丽,过曝,静态,细节模糊不清,字幕,风格,作品,画作,画面,静止,整体发灰,最差质量,低质量,JPEG压缩残留,丑陋的,残缺的,多余的手指,画得不好的手部,画得不好的脸部,畸形的,毁容的,形态畸形的肢体,手指融合,静止不动的画面,杂乱的背景,三条腿,背景人很多,倒着走', 't5_checkpoint': 'models_t5_umt5-xxl-enc-bf16.pth', 't5_tokenizer': 'google/umt5-xxl', 'vae_checkpoint': 'Wan2.1_VAE.pth', 'vae_stride': (4, 8, 8), 'patch_size': (1, 2, 2), 'dim': 1536, 'ffn_dim': 8960, 'freq_dim': 256, 'num_heads': 12, 'num_layers': 30, 'window_size': (-1, -1), 'qk_norm': True, 'cross_attn_norm': True, 'eps': 1e-06}
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,063] INFO: Input prompt: Two anthropomorphic cats in comfy boxing gear and bright gloves fight intensely on a spotlighted stage.
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,065] INFO: Creating WanT2V pipeline.
[2025-02-28 08:35:19,682] INFO: loading ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B/models_t5_umt5-xxl-enc-bf16.pth
[2025-02-28 08:37:19,359] INFO: loading ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B/Wan2.1_VAE.pth
[2025-02-28 08:37:24,292] INFO: Creating WanModel from ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B
[2025-02-28 08:38:17,205] INFO: Generating video ...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [08:15<00:00, 9.91s/it]
[2025-02-28 08:47:29,986] INFO: Saving generated video to t2v-1.3B_832*480_1_1_Two_anthropomorphic_cats_in_comfy_boxing_gear_and__20250228_084729.mp4
[2025-02-28 08:47:32,176] INFO: Finished.
视频生成完成, 可以在当前目录下查看生成的视频
5.2. 使用gradio启动UI界面生成
5.2.1. 启动gradio服务
这里需要一个prompt扩展的API,可以使用dashscope的API,也可以使用自己的API,这里使用dashscope的API https://dashscope.console.aliyun.com/overview
DASH_API_KEY=xxxx python gradio/t2v_1.3B_singleGPU.py --prompt_extend_method 'dashscope' --ckpt_dir ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B/
Step1: Init prompt_expander...done
Step2: Init 1.3B t2v model...done
* Running on local URL:
To create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [08:14<00:00, 9.88s/it]
5.2.2. 访问UI,输入prompt,点击生成视频
Over the snow-covered Meili Snow Mountains, multiple fighter jets fly in formation, performing various aerial maneuvers and stunts against a backdrop of clear blue skies and majestic peaks. The scene is dynamic and awe-inspiring.