Deploying Wan2.1 for Video Generation with 3090 GPU

Posted by elrond on February 28, 2025

Deploying Wan2.1 for Video Generation with 3090 GPU

1. Environment Requirements

Name Specification Notes
Memory VRAM 22GB 22GB is not enough, needs more memory. If not available, swap memory can be used as an alternative
CUDA 12.5 CUDA >= 11.7 required, otherwise it will fail

2. Model Download

Use script to download the model

./ Wan-AI/Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B --tool aria2c -x 10 --hf_token xxxxxxx --hf_username xxxxxxx

3. Clone Repository

git clone

4. Install Dependencies

Note: CUDA >= 11.7 torch >= 2.4.0

cd Wan2.1
pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Generate Videos

5.1. Using the Generate Script

Note: It’s essential to configure –offload_model True –t5_cpu otherwise GPU memory will OOM when saving the video

python  --task t2v-1.3B --size 832*480 --ckpt_dir ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B --offload_model True --t5_cpu --sample_shift 8 --sample_guide_scale 6 --prompt "Two anthropomorphic cats in comfy boxing gear and bright gloves fight intensely on a spotlighted stage."
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,062] INFO: Generation job args: Namespace(task='t2v-1.3B', size='832*480', frame_num=81, ckpt_dir='./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B', offload_model=True, ulysses_size=1, ring_size=1, t5_fsdp=False, t5_cpu=True, dit_fsdp=False, save_file=None, prompt='Two anthropomorphic cats in comfy boxing gear and bright gloves fight intensely on a spotlighted stage.', use_prompt_extend=False, prompt_extend_method='local_qwen', prompt_extend_model=None, prompt_extend_target_lang='ch', base_seed=6930324173022001627, image=None, sample_solver='unipc', sample_steps=50, sample_shift=8.0, sample_guide_scale=6.0)
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,063] INFO: Generation model config: {'__name__': 'Config: Wan T2V 1.3B', 't5_model': 'umt5_xxl', 't5_dtype': torch.bfloat16, 'text_len': 512, 'param_dtype': torch.bfloat16, 'num_train_timesteps': 1000, 'sample_fps': 16, 'sample_neg_prompt': '色调艳丽,过曝,静态,细节模糊不清,字幕,风格,作品,画作,画面,静止,整体发灰,最差质量,低质量,JPEG压缩残留,丑陋的,残缺的,多余的手指,画得不好的手部,画得不好的脸部,畸形的,毁容的,形态畸形的肢体,手指融合,静止不动的画面,杂乱的背景,三条腿,背景人很多,倒着走', 't5_checkpoint': 'models_t5_umt5-xxl-enc-bf16.pth', 't5_tokenizer': 'google/umt5-xxl', 'vae_checkpoint': 'Wan2.1_VAE.pth', 'vae_stride': (4, 8, 8), 'patch_size': (1, 2, 2), 'dim': 1536, 'ffn_dim': 8960, 'freq_dim': 256, 'num_heads': 12, 'num_layers': 30, 'window_size': (-1, -1), 'qk_norm': True, 'cross_attn_norm': True, 'eps': 1e-06}
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,063] INFO: Input prompt: Two anthropomorphic cats in comfy boxing gear and bright gloves fight intensely on a spotlighted stage.
[2025-02-28 08:33:08,065] INFO: Creating WanT2V pipeline.
[2025-02-28 08:35:19,682] INFO: loading ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B/models_t5_umt5-xxl-enc-bf16.pth
[2025-02-28 08:37:19,359] INFO: loading ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B/Wan2.1_VAE.pth
[2025-02-28 08:37:24,292] INFO: Creating WanModel from ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B
[2025-02-28 08:38:17,205] INFO: Generating video ...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [08:15<00:00,  9.91s/it]
[2025-02-28 08:47:29,986] INFO: Saving generated video to t2v-1.3B_832*480_1_1_Two_anthropomorphic_cats_in_comfy_boxing_gear_and__20250228_084729.mp4
[2025-02-28 08:47:32,176] INFO: Finished.

The video generation is complete. You can find the generated video in the current directory:


5.2. Using Gradio UI Interface

5.2.1. Launch Gradio Service

This requires a prompt extension API. You can use either the dashscope API or your own API. Here we’ll use the dashscope API

DASH_API_KEY=xxxx  python gradio/ --prompt_extend_method 'dashscope' --ckpt_dir ./Wan2.1-T2V-1.3B/
Step1: Init prompt_expander...done
Step2: Init 1.3B t2v model...done
* Running on local URL:

To create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [08:14<00:00,  9.88s/it]

5.2.2. Access UI, Input Prompt, and Generate Video


Example prompt:

Over the snow-covered Meili Snow Mountains, multiple fighter jets fly in formation, performing various aerial maneuvers and stunts against a backdrop of clear blue skies and majestic peaks. The scene is dynamic and awe-inspiring.
